Hej igen derude, så er jeg på den igen!
Jeg er i Buenos Aires lige nu, Argentinas hovedstad - såå fedt! Jeg er her pga. at jeg er interkulturel i gymnasiet og skal skrive AT hernede om deres arbejdsmarked. Jeg har fået mig en sød værtsfamilie gennem en veninde, så jeg tænkte jeg ville blogge lidt om turen, sorry for de første billeders kvalitet - det bliver bedre. :)
Det kommer til at foregå både på engelsk og dansk, da vi skal blogge i begge fag, men kommer også til at blogge af egen fri vilje ;)
d. 27 september- ankomst:
Lander efter en lang og trættende flyvetur i Ezeiza lufthavn.
Mit fly er forsinket og kan ikke få fat på min værtsbror, som skal hente mig i
lufthavnen, god start på dagen! Og skal igennem paskontrol, hvor man også skal
have taget fingeraftryk og billede og alt muligt og igennem security..
Nå men endelig kommer jeg ud og min værtsbror Allan er der
heldigvis– en mega flink rastafyr, jeg snakker rigtigt godt med ..
han kører mig så hjem til hvor han bor – i en forstad til
Buenos Aires.. omg, såå hyggeligt hus og har eget værelse og toilet!
Vi bruger det meste af dagen på bare at snakke og gå rundt i
kvarteret (hans mor kommer hjem fra Peru næste dag) .. vi får noget
calzonelignende at spise (empanadas??)
Kl. 17 tager han til træning (Amerikansk forbold) og jeg går
op for at sove – har det vildeste jetlag, tidsforskellen er – 5 timer.. så jeg
sover til næste morgen kl. 4 morgenen
ready for take off!
mit værelse
terassen, love it!
d. 28 september - san isidirio
ja , vågner jo syyygt tidligt argentinsk tid pga. det skide
jetlag, og kan ikke sove. Så hvad gør overskudsagtige Andrea? Hun læser
selvfølgelig sine psykologilektier og ser den spanske film, vi skal se i
spansk.. (Allan er ude for at hente
Debbie – min værtsmor – i lufthavnen) , så ligger bare og venter på dem og er
hundesulten ..
nå men de kommer hjem
- min værtsmor er også sååå søøød og sjov, og vi får snakket en del om
Peru, lidt spansk og meeeget politik og hun laver lækker kylling til os.. og
jeg giver dem de gaver, min mor har købt (summerbird chokolade, johan bülow
lakrids, rosendal glas og karameller) og vi får noget dessert agtigt – dulche
de leche (noget karamel halløj på bananer)..
Debbie går i seng og mig og Allan kører ud til San Isidirio –
en hyggelig bydel med en katedral og butikker og vi møder hans ven Tomas med en
meget livlig hund! (hæhæ, and here comes the funny part) – efter at vi har gået
lidt rundt i kvarteret og siddet på café kører mig og allan hjem, men hans ven
ringer og siger: omg jeg har låst min hund inde med nøglerne i bilen!! Haha så
vi bliver nødt til at finde en låsesmed, så han kan få låst sin bil op.. muy
belludo!! Haha – spontan og sjov dag!
Om aftenen går jeg i seng 21.30 pga. det fandens jetlag. – Allan
skal spille fodbold kl. 23. Wtf??
By the way, er begyndt at snakke vildt meget spansk og elsker
deres gestus hernede: Når man møder nye mennesker i Argentina kysser de en på kinden og krammer en, hvorfor gør vi ikke det i DK?
en kendt statue, øøh ja
katedralen i San Isidirio
mig og Allans ven Tomas
pubben Ummus
mig på toppen
Allan og Tomas
fjollede hund
the 29th - La Boca
I woke up 6.30 a.m, still
having jetlag – so annoying! Like 10 a.m I went down stairs and ate breakfast
with my host mother Debbie and her friend. She showed us pictures from her trip
to Peru, So beautiful! I really wanna go there after highschool –love the Indian
culture, the mountains and the Islands!
After breakfast we decided to
go to La Boca, it’s is a poor part of Buenos Aires – where the homeless people are but with nice, colorfull houses and lot of shops and tango. It reminded
me a little of Christiania in Copenhagen with all the colors and shops. I
bought a back, watches, postcards and matchboxes.
We ate pizza in a very cozy
restaurant full of pictures and talked a bit in Spanish and English. We also went to a museum of modern art, but there wasn’t a
guided tour that day, so we left it quite fast.
After a while we went home by
car, and Debbie showed me a lot of famous places, roads and monuments.
I got homed I rested a bit, and I was supposed to go out with my host brother
Allan, but I was too tired, and he never went home from his friend, so I just
fell asleep....
view over the harbour, which is polluted
my nice host mother Debbie
La Boca
people live above the shops
poor people live here
the museum of modern art
the restaurant
typical Argentine beer and snacks
the 30th - chill day
This was a chill day, you know.. as sundays should be.. I spend the time walking around in the neighboorhood with my hostmother to get used to the town and she told me where to take busses and trains. afterwards I went out with Allan to have lunch. Wee ate asado, which is a famous Argentine bbq, which you put on the meat - it tastes so deliciuos! :)
when we went home we just chilled and I write a bit on my assignment and we watched some American football. I am trying to get used to the times, so I went to bed 12 in the evening, so I could sleep for at long time the next morning..
my neighboorhood with a purple effect
a funny house
at the habour
The 1st of October - little me alone in the big, big, city
Today I went by myself to Retiro, the main station in Buenos Aires in the centrum of the city. The trip took around half an hour.. This city is very big and the traffic is crazy and the roads are so big, it is like Cohenhagen ten times...! First I saw the big, beautiful clock tower and Plaza de San Martin, which is placed on a hill. Then after a bit of walking and asking about how to find, I finally arrived at Cementario de Recoleta, which is a huuuge cementary where the tombstones are big, and very beautiful monuments - it is like a maze - but OMG, it is the wildest and most beautiful cementary I have ever seen and I also saw Evita's grave!! :) the experience of the cementary was very overwhelming. :) afterwards I went to a very fancy shopping mall, where I ate lunch. The clothes and shoes were very expensive, so I left quite fast and went to Plaza de San Martin.. Good I did so, because while I am sitting there reading my danish book, a Swedish girl came and asks me if I was Danish, and I said, yes and we began talking. She is here on her own to, and we talked about going to Mendoza and the andes mountains and take the boat to Uruguay and go to the beaches there together, omg! It is so great, and I can speak danish to her. :D so I am very happy about that, so today has been a good day and I nailed it being alone in the biig city! :)
the church
well, hello there. smile!
inside the church
the cementary
me beside the grave of Evita and Juan Péron